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GeoPuzzle HTML

Verze 1.2 (19. 2. 2013)

// pevny zacatek
<div style="width: 688px; height: 324px; background: transparent url('BACKGROUND') no-repeat 0 0; margin: 10px auto;">

//pro kazdou cache
<div style="background: transparent url(PUZZLE) no-repeat LEFTpx TOPpx >

// pevny stred
<div style="width: 669px; height: 305px; padding: 19px 0 0 19px;">

// pro kazde ID v poradi by ID
<div style="float:left; overflow: hidden; width:72px; height: 72px; cursor: help;" title="TITLE">&nbsp;</div>

// ukonceni pevny stred
<a href="URL" style="float:left; overflow: hidden; width:72px; height: 72px; cursor: pointer;" title="GeoPuzzle NAME">&nbsp;</a>

//ukonceni pro kazdou cache

// pevny konec

Červeně označeny změny ve v1.2

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