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Czech Brewery

GeoPuzzle by: Dobesch

Play the GeoPuzzle Czech Brewery

If you use GSAK software or GeoGet, we have a macro for an automatic generation of list of badges. Visit GSAK or GeoGet site for downloading the macro. GeoPuzzles are available in apps MyFound and MoZiGo too.

Otherwise you can mark checkboxes for caches which you found in the following table. The name of cache redirects you to website, where you can check, if you found the cache.
You can click on this icon and in the window are showed archived and alternative caches and events for this piece of puzzle.
List of the caches is available like a bookmark list

PivovarCacheStateTownFound it
PoutníkPivovar PoutnikVysocinaPelhřimov
Janáček/BalkánBrodske pivovaryZlinsky krajUherský Brod
U OrlojeChram Chmele a Piva - minipivovar U OrlojeUstecky krajŽatec
ChodovarChodova Plana - pivovar ChodovarPlzensky krajChodová Planá
FerdinandFerdinandStredocesky krajBenešov
RychtářPivovar v Hlinsku  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC4MMH0, GC21HVP
Pardubicky krajHlinsko
JežekJihlavsky pivovarVysocinaJihlava
KocourKocourUstecky krajVarnsdorf
HubertusPivo z KacovaStredocesky krajKácov
TamborKralovedvorske pivoKralovehradecky krajDvůr Králové
KvasarKvasarJihomoravsky krajSentice
PoličkaMestansky pivovar PolickaPardubicky krajPolička
KrmelínMINIPIVOVAR KRMELINMoravskoslezsky krajKrmelín
KozloviceNikdy nezapomente  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC2A3CD
Moravskoslezsky krajKozlovice
PodkováňPamatka na podkovansky pivovarStredocesky krajKováň
KoutKoutska Dvanactka (Kouto's twelve-degree beer)Plzensky krajKout na Šumavě
ChotěbořPivovar ChoteborVysocinaChotěboř
MatuškaPivovar MatuskaStredocesky krajBroumy
MedlešicePivovar MedlesicePardubicky krajMedlešice
PostřižinskéPivovar Postriziny / Nymburk Brewery  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC2A5WV
Stredocesky krajNymburk
OpatBroumovsky pivovar  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC4QW62
Kralovehradecky krajBroumov-Olivětín
PurkmistrKaplicka v Cernicich  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC3X70X, GC47JP8
Plzensky krajPlzeň
ZubrHistorie piva v Prerove  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC473B1
Olomoucky krajPřerov
RohozecPivovar Rohozec / Rohozec BreweryLiberecky krajMalý Rohozec
MagistrPivovar Magistr  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC35FT7
Jihomoravsky krajBrno
PrimátorPrimatorKralovehradecky krajNáchod
DalešicePrehrada - Postrizinsky pivovarVysocinaDalešice
PlatanPlatanova alej Protivin - Plane trees alley  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC17R1X
Jihocesky krajProtivín
RoznovRoznovsky pivovarMoravskoslezsky krajRoznov pod Radhostem
RegentPPP051 TŘEBOŇ SVINENSKÁ BRÁNA  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC2YDZQ
Jihocesky krajTřeboň
KonradVratislavicke pivko  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GCVFN1
Liberecky krajLiberec - Vratislavice
ÚněticeUneticky pivovarStredocesky krajÚnětice
KrakonošPivovar Krakonos / Brewery Krakonos  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC1FCAB
Kralovehradecky krajTrutnov
ŽelivŽižkuv dub  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC1CH7X
RychnovRychnovsky pivovarKralovehradecky krajRychnov nad Kněžnou


If you have all your foundit caches marked, you can see here your actual GeoPuzzle Czech Brewery.

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Now insert the code to your public profile on Click on an arrow icon next to your avatar. Choose the settings link. There is a textearea About in the page Profile Information. Insert the code to the textarea (CTRL+V).

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