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Slovenian Castles

GeoPuzzle by: Jure&Jasna

Play the GeoPuzzle Slovenian Castles

If you use GSAK software or GeoGet, we have a macro for an automatic generation of list of badges. Visit GSAK or GeoGet site for downloading the macro. GeoPuzzles are available in apps MyFound and MoZiGo too.

Otherwise you can mark checkboxes for caches which you found in the following table. The name of cache redirects you to website, where you can check, if you found the cache.
You can click on this icon and in the window are showed archived and alternative caches and events for this piece of puzzle.
List of the caches is available like a bookmark list

CastleCacheRegionTown, Village,..wwwFound it
Grad SnežnikGrad SnežnikNotranjsko-KraškaStari Trgmore
Ljubljanski gradLjubljanski grad/Ljubljana CastleOsrednjeslovenskaLjubljanamore
Grad BogenšperkBOGENŠPERK Kids' Cache – Plushy Toy ExchangeOsrednjeslovenskaBogenšperkmore
Ptujski gradPTUJ CastlePodravskaPtujmore
Grad Slovenska BistricaSlovenska BistricaPodravskaSlovenska Bistricamore
Grad BorlGrad BORL / Castle BORLPodravskaDolanemore
Blejski gradBlejski Grad / Castle BledGorenjskaBledmore
Grad Gewerkenegg Grad GewerkeneggGoriškaIdrijamore
Grad Mokricegrad MokriceSpodnjeposavskaJesenice , Brežicemore
Grad PodsredaE7_SLO_78_Grad PODSREDASavinjskaPodsredamore
Grad Grad na GoričkemSocerb Castle in Grad (Felsolendvai várkastély)PomurskaGradmore
Mali gradKAMN(I)KOsrednjeslovenskaKamnikmore
Grad TurjakArchery cacheOsrednjeslovenskaTurjakmore
Celjski gradCeljski grad / The Celje CastleSavinjskaCeljemore
Grad KromberkGrad Kromberk  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC304XE
Grad SevnicaCastle SevnicaSpodnjeposavskaSevnicamore
Grad SoteskaHUDICEV TURN / THE DEVIL'S TOWEROsrednjeslovenskamore
Grad MirnaGrad Mirna (Mirna castle)ZasavskaMirnamore
Predjamski gradPredjama CastleNotranjsko-KraškaPredjamamore
Grad Bizeljskograd BizeljskoSpodnjeposavskaBizeljskomore
Tolminski gradGrad Kozlov rob  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC50QPP
Grad SocerbKarst ridge 1 Obalno-KraškaSocerbmore
Grad OtočecGrad Otočec  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC24JM0
Jugovzhodna SlovenijaOtočecmore
Grad DobrovoWine Adventure / Vinsko doživetje  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC164E0
Velenjski gradVelenjski gradSavinjskaVelenjemore
Grad RibnicaGrad Ribnica  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC2CRR0
Jugovzhodna SlovenijaRibnicamore
Grad RihemberkThe castle of RihemberkGoriškaBranikmore
Grad LendavaCRGT - Grad Lendava  Archivované kešky
Alternative and archived caches and events : GC517NB
Grad KostelKostelJugovzhodna Slovenijamore
Samostanski grad OlimjeZelišca in sladkarije / Herbs and sweetsSavinjskaOlimjemore
Grad KamenThe devil's castle / Hudicev gradicGorenjskaBegunje na Gorenjskemmore
Grad StrmolStrmol - DvorjeGorenjskaDvorjemore
Grad Brdo pri LukoviciRokovnjačiOsrednjeslovenskaBrdo pri Lukovicimore
Grad BletinciGrad BeltinciPomurskaBeltincimore
Utrdba na LaniščuAD Pirum - HrušicaOsrednjeslovenskaLanice - Kalcemore


If you have all your foundit caches marked, you can see here your actual GeoPuzzle Slovenian Castles.

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